Specialized Venge


Aerodynamics is only one part of the formula.

When we set out to design the Venge, we wanted to create the fastest complete performance bike in the world. Until now, aerodynamic road bikes have sacrificed too much of the bike – too much stiffness lost, too much weight added. We simply weren’t willing to compromise.

We knew this bike needed to combine the wind cheating elements of the Shiv with the stiffness and lightweight aspects of the Tarmac. Today, our stiffness testing, weight numbers, and wattage testing all confirm that we achieved something that, until now, had never been done before. It’s more bike than aero.

The development of the Venge also awarded us the perfect opportunity to pursue a partnership with the legendary McLaren Applied Technologies—home of the McLaren F1 and new MP4-12C supercar. With their 30 years of expertise in composite technology, we could push the existing boundaries of design and engineering.

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